Cornell Law School IT and Cornell Information Technologies provide students with a variety of IT services. All Cornell Law School students are required to own a laptop to take exams, which are administered via Exam4 by Extegrity, and to access student services. Laptops will also be necessary for numerous class-related activities, as well as for extracurricular activities and programs. Above you will find links for important Cornell Law School services and information. Below is additional information you may find useful.  Welcome to Cornell Law School and reach out anytime you have questions!

Michael Baker, Director of Information Technologies

What is Exam4?
Exam4 is software by Extegrity that is used by Cornell Law School to administer exams electronically. Exam4 is supported on both Windows and macOS devices. Please make sure that your laptop operating system is supported by checking the following link

Do I need to own a computer?
A laptop is required to meet the requirements of Cornell Law School. Laptops will connect to Eduroam, Cornell’s secure wireless network, and can be used to access all student services. Please be sure your laptop meets the minimum Exam4 requirements (see above). Also, the following minimum requirements are suggested. Technology continues to evolve at a very rapid pace, but a system that meet or exceeds these suggestions should serve your needs while at Cornell Law School.

Operating System: macOS or Windows
Processor: Intel i5 or greater (macOS and Windows) or M1 or greater (macOS)
Storage: 256 GB
Memory: 16GB
Accessories: webcam w/ microphone, headset (wired or wireless), accidental damage warranty

What kind of computer should I purchase?
While Cornell Law School does not recommend make, model or source for purchasing laptops, any current system bought from a mainstream manufacturer should work with Cornell services. Some commonly laptops seen often at Cornell Law School are Apple, Dell, and Microsoft. The Cornell Store ( does offer special pricing and payment options for laptops. They can also provide guidance related to your computing needs.  Special Note: If you plan to use student loan funds allocated through the financial aid office to pay for a laptop, you should contact prior to purchase for additional details.

What other services are available to students?
Information about all the services available to students at Cornell can be found below here

How can I get support for IT services at Cornell?
You can use one of the contact methods at the following link to get help with any IT service provided by Cornell Law School or Cornell Information Technologies