Many Cornell Law School graduates clerk in federal or state courts either directly after graduation or after one or more years of practice. Our typical JD class size is approximately 200 students, and at least 20% of recent classes have obtained at least one clerkship within four-to-six years after graduation. For example, as of May 1, 2023, the following percentage of each class had clerked or secured a clerkship:

In the most recent six years, an average of 55 graduates, including both new graduates and alumni, have started a new judicial clerkship each year. Data on the number of Cornell Law School graduates starting new clerkships in each calendar year, based on self-reporting, is below.

U.S. Supreme Court 1  1
U.S. Circuit131612141615
U.S. District253427151728
U.S. Magistrate265245
Other Federal1937121
Delaware Chancery111
State Supreme44612
State Appellate134212
NY Commercial Div.2
Other State Trial382
Foreign1 1 

1 “Other Federal” includes courts such as International Trade, Tax, Bankruptcy, and Federal Claims, administrative agencies, and staff attorneys on the U.S. Circuit courts.

Last updated: April 9, 2024