Current Projects on Gender and Political Economy
> International Research Collaborative on Gender and Political Economy (GPE-IRC)

Together with Professor Nkatha Kabira of the University of Nairobi, CGEJ Director Chantal Thomas co-organizes the Law and Society Association International Research Collaborative on Gender and Political Economy (GPE-IRC). The GPE-IRC researches the ways in which conceptions of gender, sex, sexuality and the family are constitutive of, rather than peripheral to, global legal orders in their socioeconomic dimensions. The goal of this international research collaborative is to bring together comparative perspectives on the relationship between gender roles and the legal, social and cultural norms and institutions that shape markets and economies. The objective is to contribute to a framework for a comprehensive distributional analysis of gender in the law, and to do so in a way that attends to both the role of theory in action and the role of action in theory.
GPE-IRC Activities:
GPE-IRC Participants:
- Libby Adler (Northeastern U., USA)
- Aziza Ahmed (Boston U., USA)
- Helena Alviar (Sciences-Po, FRANCE)
- Brenda Cossman (U. Toronto, CANADA)
- Deborah Dinner (Cornell, USA)
- Dipika Jain (Jindal U., INDIA)
- Janet Halley (Harvard, USA)
- Nkatha Kabira (U. Nairobi, KENYA) (co-organizer)
- Rachel Rebouche (Temple, USA)
- Kerry Rittich (U. Toronto, USA)
- Chantal Thomas (Cornell, USA) (co-organizer)
- Philomila Tsoukala (Georgetown, USA)
- Yiran Zhang (Cornell, USA)