Our services don’t end at graduation. We are here to help you make career transitions and stay connected to the Cornell community.
- Jobs Database: Accessed via Symplicity, this password-protected resource is updated daily and contains positions nationwide. Visit Symplicity and select the “Alumni Registration” tab or button to get started.
- Counseling appointments: Work with a counselor by phone, email or in person to re-assess your skills/interests and investigate new employment options. For an appointment with the Career Services Office or the Office of Public Service contact Lisa Carberry .
- Web resources: From classifieds to recruiters to research tools – you’ll find links to web resources targeted to alumni job search needs.
- Reciprocity: You may want to visit a law school career office close to where you live in order to view local job listings or lawyer directories. Through an agreement with Cornell called “Reciprocity,” you can access such services at other law schools, usually between December and July. Reciprocity services vary, so visit NALP’s reciprocity page to investigate what services your local law school offers. Contact Lisa Carberry to request reciprocity on your behalf.
Serve as a Mentor to Fellow Alumni and Current Students
Your knowledge of career development and the legal market is very valuable to fellow alumni and current students. Consider sharing your insights by becoming a mentor. To participate, register with Symplicity. Once your account is activated, go to “Manage Professional Network Profile” under the Quick Links and complete your mentor information there.
Cornell graduates and students are eager to network with alumni/ae when they know they will receive a warm response from members of our mentor network. Thank you for your participation!