Fellowship Awards and Other Sources of Funding
Fellowship Awards
Fellowship Awards are provided to full-time students who are candidates for a J.S.D. primarily on the basis of scholastic ability and promise of achievement. Other sources of funding are encouraged and highly valued by both Cornell Law School and by future employers. The ability to obtain external funding is noted in a very positive light for a future career in academics.
The J.S.D. program typically takes three years to complete. Cornell Law School aims to provide a tuition waiver, living expense stipend, and health insurance premiums (if needed) to J.S.D. candidates in residence for three years, contingent on good academic standing and satisfactory academic progress. Support may come from a combination of fellowships and assistantships. The Law School does not guarantee funding beyond year three. The tuition waiver, living expense stipend, and health insurance premium amounts are determined by the Graduate School and/or Cornell Health. If a student has sufficient health insurance coverage, they must notify the GFA and submit a SHP waiver request to Cornell Health. Only upon denial of coverage will the Law School reinstate health insurance premiums. J.S.D. funding awards will not cover expenses such as CU student health fee, late fees, or any other fee you may incur.
External Funding
Demonstrated (and ideally, successful) attempts by J.S.D. students to secure alternative sources of funding throughout the degree program are highly valued by both Cornell Law School and by future employers. If you secure outside funding, notify both Financial Aid and the Graduate Legal Studies office as soon as you accept. An external fellowship or award will replace fellowships offered by Cornell Law School, but your status as a scholar will be significantly enhanced.
Student Employment
Per CU Policy 1.3 Graduate Student Assistantships, if you receive a University Fellowship appointment, outside employment is limited to no more than eight hours per week, including assistantships, hourly student appointments, or other employment. Since a Fellowship is an academic appointment focused on thesis or other degree-related research there are limits imposed to ensure students can dedicate the necessary time to maintain satisfactory degree progress.
Appointment as a CLS Graduate Student Lecturer is contingent upon your ability to hold an assistantship under current university policy and federal law, including successful completion of Form I-9. If you are awarded a first-time lecturer position, you will need to review and complete any Cornell Center for Teaching Innovation (CTI) requirements prior to assuming instruction.
Conference Grants
The Graduate School provides grants to all graduate students (in residence or in absentia) who are invited to present papers at professional conferences. Award amounts are based on geographic location, not actual expenses (i.e., a student attending a conference in Italy may receive the full $700, but a student attending a conference in Washington, D.C., may receive $225). Awards will not, under any circumstances, exceed $700. The Graduate School tries to fund most requests from students who meet the eligibility criteria. Eligibility requirements may be found on the Conference Grant Application.
A student must submit the Conference Grant Application within 30 days after the START date of the conference. It is strongly encouraged that students submit their application materials as early as possible, preferably by the first of the month prior to the conference date month to be approved for funding. For example, if a conference is April 25th, the form should be received by March 1st. Students are limited to one conference award per year.