Developing the Professional Lawyer

Student Tip Videos, developed by LawFirmElearning in partnership with NALP

Email and Voicemail Etiquette (12 minutes)

Managing Job Offers (7 minutes)

Best Practices for Communicating with Employers During the Application Process (6 minutes)

Ace the Interview (6 minutes)

The Business of Law (6 minutes)

Maintaining Well-Being During the Job Search Process (6 minutes)

Government and Public Service Interviewing (6 minutes)

Cultural Competence (6 minutes)

Virtual Interviews and Remote Work (6 minutes)

Funding Sources

Cornell University maintains a resource page of funding and sponsorship opportunities Here are a few.

  • GrantForward uses specialized data-crawling technology to constantly update its extensive database of sponsors and funding opportunities. Cornell University has an institutional subscription. Every grant opportunity is thoroughly analyzed and then verified by its team of specialists to ensure accuracy. Cornell NetID is required.  Federal and some state, foundation, and corporate funding opportunities.Life and physical sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.Researcher Welcome Guide and Tutorials and Use Cases
  • Tip: If you’re on Cornell’s network, the system identifies you automatically. If searching from home, use your Cornell email address.
  • Foundation Directory The Directory provides information about U.S. private and public foundations, including organization profiles, links to foundation websites, and funding opportunities. Users can subscribe to the “Philanthropy News Digest” for timely updates about new funding opportunities. The Cornell University Library provides access to the Foundation Directory.