Every year Cornell Law students gain hands-on legal experience in various fields all over the world, while earning credit for the semester.

“I externed at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Especially now, I felt that it was important to work at a place dedicated to fighting for racial justice. I am grateful that I could apply what I have learned in law school thus far to work that directly impacts my community.” 

Taji Alessandra Hutchins ’21

Cornell Law School’s robust Cornell Law School’s robust and thriving experiential learning program traces its roots back to 1960. Today, it is an essential part of our educational mission, encompassing twenty-three clinics and practicum courses and an extensive array of externships and simulation courses.

More information about externships including applications can be found here.

All students must meet one-on-one with Professor Bauman before the application deadline for approval to be in the externship class.