Cornell Law School

Guidelines for Crediting Gifts and Commitments to Reunion Campaigns

1.  Which Gifts Count?

All gifts, commitments, and pledge payments made during the “reunion year” designated for any area of Cornell Law School count toward a class’s campaign. All gifts made by a class member during the July 1 – June 30 fiscal year count toward that June Reunion’s campaign totals.

In addition, there is an opportunity to count up to five years of a multi-year gift in the reunion campaign totals.  To qualify, the minimum annual gift for a 5-year commitment must be $1,000 (i.e. total minimum gift commitment of $5,000 over 5 years), and the commitment must be made during the reunion year. Multi-year commitments made in advance of the start of the reunion campaign will be reviewed.

All corporate matching gifts made to the Law School are counted as part of the donor’s gift or commitment and count toward the class campaign.  Gifts from a publicly owned corporation influenced by a class member, however, will not be included in the class campaign totals.

Gifts from a personal or family foundation are counted as the donor’s gift and count toward the class campaign.  Gifts from a major private foundation influenced by a direct personal relationship with a class member, however, will not be included in the class campaign totals.

2.  Bequests

Bequests designated for any area of Cornell Law School that are realized during the reunion year will be included in a class’ reunion total.

Advised bequests made within the reunion campaign year will be eligible to receive reunion credit.  Bequests will be credited at a discounted rate based on the age of the donor.  Written documentation will be required:  a letter/e-mail, a copy of the will, or a signed letter of agreement/understanding are all acceptable. 

3.  Life Income Agreements

Gifts to establish Pooled Life Income Funds, Charitable Remainder Trusts, or Charitable Gift Annuities designated to any area of the Law School will be counted for their full-face value when the life income agreement is funded.  When an agreement is anticipated during the campaign period, written documentation must be provided.  Outside Irrevocable Charitable Remainder Trusts also count when Cornell is notified of their existence. 

4.  Charitable Lead Trusts

In the case of Charitable Lead Trusts established in the reunion year, credit will be given for the face-value of the first five years of anticipated income stream plus the discounted value of the subsequent years of income stream (based on calculations of Trusts and Estates Office).

For any additional questions related to Reunion Crediting, please contact Brock Buffum at