Certainly financial considerations may limit the number of interviews you are able to accept in distant locations, as judges do not have money available to fly candidates in. Judges are sensitive to this issue, however, and may be willing to interview you via video or when you are already visiting the area. See below for a further discussion of interviewing strategies.
Law clerks’ salaries cannot match those of some private-sector lawyers; however, federal law clerk salaries are reasonable. Recent law school graduates without post-law school experience will be appointed at about $65,000 per year. One year of post-graduate legal experience and bar membership qualifies the appointee for an initial salary of around $80,000. With two years of post-graduate experience, clerks can expect to make approximately $95,000. Salaries are adjusted to account for cost-of-living differences nationwide, so the exact amount depends on location. You can look here for more information. Specific information about salary can be made available prior to accepting an offer from the employing court’s personnel representative.
State court clerkship salaries vary. For instance, New York Court of Appeals clerkships pay more than $76,000 the first year and up to $89,000 the second year. New Jersey Supreme Court clerkships pay over $60,000.
Before you assume that you cannot afford to interview for or accept judicial clerkships, consider contacting the Law School’s Financial Aid Office for information about the availability of aid for financing interviews, student loan deferral options, and income-based repayment of your federal loans under the College Cost Reduction and Access Act.