The Public Service Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) sets Cornell Law School apart from peer institutions in the eyes of prospective students serious about pursuing legal careers in the public sector. Students ask about this feature when they apply and cite it as a major consideration in deciding whether to attend. A law student who wants to work as a public defender or legal aid lawyer regards the LRAP as indispensable to their economic survival. For these reasons, the LRAP is an important tool for recruiting the best and brightest future public-interest attorneys. Gifts to the LRAP may take any form. Whether the funding is current-use, an ongoing commitment, or designed as a program endowment, all contributions directed to the LRAP are dedicated to providing CLS alumni working as public-interest attorneys with essential cost-of-living subsidies to meet expenses for rent, food, loan repayment, transportation, childcare, and so forth. An endowment at the Major Gift level would give the donor the privilege of naming this program.

Learn more about Public Service Law at CLS