I want to take courses outside the Law School? Am I allowed to do this?
2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs may take classes outside the Law School. 1Ls may not take classes outside the Law School, except in unusual circumstances.
How do I find out what courses are available and when they meet?
Information on using the Student Center “class search function” can be found online at the Office of the University Registrar’s site: https://registrar.cornell.edu/classes-enrollment.
To search for classes, you will need the 4-digit catalog number and the course subject abbreviation. The abbreviations for Course Subjects need to be entered without any special characters or spaces, e.g. A&EP is now AEP. Write down the class number for all the classes (lectures, discussion sections, labs, etc.) you want to take. This is the fastest way to enter classes once you start enrolling. You can find this number right before the specific lecture, lab or discussion for the course (the same position the old Course ID used to be). The class number is available both in online searches (in parenthesis after the section number – i.e., Section 001-LEC(1008) – (1008) is the Class Number) and in the Course/Time Roster.
How do I actually register for the outside courses?
Registration for courses outside the Law School has several steps. It is the same whether you are taking the course for Law School credit or not.
Follow the steps below:
a. At the University Pre-enrollment/University Add/Drop site, go online and pre-register for the course(s)you are interested in taking. You should note that pre-registration does not guarantee enrollment in thecourse.
b. Complete the Law School online request form: Law Credit for Non-law Courses.
How do I get Law School credit for the outside course?
For students who want to request to receive Law School credit for courses offered in other departments or schools at Cornell, application must be made to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. For credit approval, courses must directly relate to the students law study and offer a high degree of rigor. The application, as well as information on Conditions and Requirements, is available at Forms and Requests link, Law Credit for Non-law Courses.
How will I know if my request for credit has been approved?
You will be notified of the decision by email from the Registrar’s Office when your request has been reviewed.
If I take a course for credit, will it show up on my transcript?
Yes, it will be posted to your transcript.
Is the grade I receive in a non-law course factored into my law school GPA?
JD students: No, only law school courses are computed in your GPA. LLM students: You do not receive a reportable GPA.
What if I want to take a course, but not for Law School credit? What do I need to do?
You register the same way you would if you were taking any other course outside the Law School. Follow the appropriate steps outlined above.
Just make sure that when you complete the Law School online request form that in question 1, you check the “No” choice [“no” this course is not for law school credit].
What if I just want to audit an outside course? How do I do that?
You register the same way you would if you were taking any other course outside the Law School. Follow the appropriate steps outlined above.
Just make sure that when you complete the Law School online request form that in question 1, you check the “Audit” choice.
How do I register for Physical Education classes?
You register the same way you would if you were taking any other course outside the Law School.
What if I want to drop an outside course? What do I do?
Students who pre-registered for outside courses and no longer wish to enroll in the course may be able to drop the course through the University online Add/Drop. If the online Drop option is not available for a particular course, students must secure a signed drop slip from the offering department. Return the signed form to the Law School Registrar’s Office and the Registrar will drop you from the course.
What if my schedule doesn’t show my outside course(s)?
Outside courses must be added manually to our database so they may not appear on your schedule during the pre-registration period. They will appear before Add/Drop has ended.