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“There was no better option than Cornell Law. The small class size, deep connection to New York City, and national reputation made it an easy choice.”
New York State Senator


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Sed non ipsum et dui eleifend interdum. Curabitur posuere consequat dignissim. Sed scelerisque tellus metus. Nam eu nisi ac turpis iaculis ullamcorper. Donec vulputate, nunc sit amet dignissim blandit, ligula sem pharetra velit, nec volutpat dui erat ac quam. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean volutpat, lacus nec bibendum molestie, lectus velit hendrerit risus, ultrices sagittis ligula massa at diam. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla in tortor feugiat, lobortis risus quis, dapibus elit. Aliquam nisi libero, pretium a lorem auctor, condimentum maximus libero. Morbi laoreet ex sit amet est auctor blandit. Duis nisi nulla, luctus vitae urna in, convallis suscipit neque. Maecenas nisi ante, volutpat et nunc eu, convallis faucibus est. Vestibulum vitae magna risus.

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Schedule Section

Friday, February 19

5:00 – 6:00 PM

Women in Public Interest

This panel will focus on the unique experiences of women in public interest and advocacy-driven careers, exploring the variety of potential career paths that exist in this field.


Experiential Learning

Experiential learning at Cornell Law School is a central part of our educational model. A robust set of clinical courses helps students move beyond the classroom into the world of practice; the Lawyering Program focuses on teaching the real-life skills employed by practicing attorneys, and externships around the country and across the globe put classroom learning into practice.

The 2016 Law School Moot Court Board (MCB) group.