The Journal is currently closed for Article submissions, but will reopen for submissions in Winter 2024.
The Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy encourages unsolicited submissions. The Journal publishes three issues each year (Fall, Spring, Summer), and submissions are reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis. Footnotes and citations should adhere to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed.). Text should follow the Texas Law Review: Manual on Usage, Style & Editing (13th ed.). Unfortunately, the Journal cannot return submissions. Also, please note that the Journal does not accept submissions from current JD candidates.
- Submissions to the Journal should be made through Scholastica.
Senior Acquisitions Editor
Cornell Journal of Law & Public Policy
Cornell Law School
2L39 Hughes Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Expedited Review:
The Journal employs a thorough review process before selecting Articles for publication. This process can take one to two months. Authors who have received an offer from another journal and who face a response deadline from that other journal may request an expedited review of their submission. The Journal will grant such requests on a discretionary basis. To request an expedited review:
Your request should include the following information:
- Author’s name
- Author’s e-mail address
- Title of the submission
- Other journals that have accepted the submission
- Date by which review is requested