There are three ways to gain membership to JLPP:

  1. Write-On Method
  2. Composite-On Method
  3. Work-On Method

The Journal will extend offers to students whose writing and editing submissions from the writing competition demonstrate their ability to contribute substantially to JLPP. The sample Note and the sample edit will each account for 50% of the total score. The majority of associates will be selected using this method, and the number of offers made will be based on the number of students needed in the coming year.


The Journal will also extend offers to students based on their combined academic achievement and writing competition scores. The writing competition score will be calculated in the same manner as the write-on method, but it will cumulatively account for only half of the total score; first-year grades will make up the other half. The number of offers extended using this method will be less than the number extended by the write-on method.

Note on Personal Statements: Participants in the writing competition may submit an optional personal statement—no longer than two double-spaced pages—in addition to their writing and editing submissions. Personal statements must be anonymous and should focus on the student’s interest in public policy.  Personal statements will be given weight only when Journal admission through the write-on and composite-on methods is otherwise uncertain.


JLPP realizes there are many talented students who should have the opportunity to reap the benefits and share in the responsibilities of Journal membership. Thus, JLPP offers a limited number of students the opportunity to become members of the Journal, regardless of their grades or writing competition score, if they commit to Journal responsibilities. Work-on members will be required to complete all assignments successfully and to begin satisfactory work on their notes during the fall semester. In early December, those students who have completed all work assigned to Work-On Associates will elevate to Associate Editor status.


Students not offered a position on the Journal by the write-on or composite-on methods, will be given the opportunity to apply for one of the limited number of positions we extend for work-on membership. These students should submit (1) an introductory letter of interest (2) a 2-page personal statement explaining why the student is interested in public policy (3) resume (4) and writing sample from Lawyering (no longer than 5 pages and not substantially edited by anyone other than the law student.

Note: The law school’s Honor Code applies at all times and failure to adhere to it will result in disqualification from prospective membership via the work-on method). All complete submissions will be graded by two of the following three individuals: the Editor-in-Chief, the Executive Editor, and the Senior Note Editor. The grading is as follows: The personal statement, resume, and writing sample will each be rated on a scale of one to five, five being the best, and subsequently added together for a cumulative score. The prospective work-on associate’s final score will be the average of the two scores.

The deadline for the Work-On application will be announced by email during the summer.

Note: Students who become members of the Journal by the work-on method have two additional responsibilities in order to elevate to full membership status beyond what is required of regular associates. First, Work-On Associates must successfully complete any emergency editing assignments that the Executive Editor provides them. And secondly, Work-On Associates must successfully edit twice as many footnotes and accompanying text as regular associates, during the second associate assignment.

All students who receive and accept an offer of membership to JLPP by one of the above methods should be prepared to report for orientation the week before classes begin. We look forward to meeting you!