
The President’s Question Time: Power, Information, and the Executive Credibility Gap
Sudha Setty

Taking State Constitutions Seriously
Marvin Krislov and Daniel M. Katz

Preserving the Delicate Balance Between Judicial Accountability and Independence: Merit Selection in the Post-White World
Mark S. Cady and Jess R. Phelps

Money for Nothing and the Stocks for Free: Taxing Executive Compensation
Meredith R. Conway


Failed Attempts to Dwarf the Patent Trolls: Permanent Injunctions in Patent Infringement Cases Under the Proposed Patent Reform Act of 2005 and Ebay v. Mercexchange
Robin M. Davis

Of Ponds and Pot: How Rapanos Ignored Raich and the Potential Role for Cooperative Federalism
Augusta Wilson

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