FALL 2000


The Globalization of Criminal Violence
Edgardo Rotman

The Whole Commission and the Federal Circuit
Carl Tobias

Entrepreneurs and Regulators: Internet Technology, Agency Estoppel, and the Balance of Trust
James T. O’Reilly

Sounds of Silence: What Happened to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Hazardous Waste Recycling Program Reform?
Marcus G. Puder

Les Jeux Ne Sont Pas Faits: The Right to Dignified Long-Term Care in the Face of Industry-Wide Financial Failure
Nathalie D. Martin and Elizabeth Rourke


Lawyers, Guns, and Money
Barry E. Adler, Jules Coleman, and Arthur Ripstein


The Encryption Export Tax: A Proposed Solution and Remedy to the Issues and Costs Associated with Exporting Encryption Technology
John L. Paik

Provocation’s Privileged Desire: The Provocation Doctrine, “Homosexual Panic,” and the Non-Violent Unwanted Sexual Advance Defense
Christina Pei-Lin Chen

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